Here are some ideas I copied off the internet!
Games for class parties at school...
How Many ?
Fill a jar with candy corn and have each guest write down
their best guess as to how many candies are in the jar. This is a good game to
play at the beginning of the party, as guests filter in. Announce the winner at
the end of the party--They win the jar! Try candy bars instead of candy corn -
much tastier!
Pumpkin Pass Along
Before the party, make some jack-o-lanterns using orange
rubber balls (about the size of oranges) and a permanent marker. You'll need
one for each team. Divide the players into teams. To start the game, place the
"jack-o-lantern" under the chin of the first player. That player
passes the "jack-o-lantern" to the next player without using hands
and then to the next player and so on. The first team to pass the pumpkin all
of the way through the line wins.
You can also play this game by passing the Pumpkin from
player to player using hands behind the back which isn't quite as fun but also
does not require the players to get so "personal ".
Mummy Wrap Relay
Divide the players into groups. I find groups of three or
four work best. Each group needs a player that is the "mummy" and the
other players are the "wrappers." Provide each group with a roll of
toilet paper. The object of the game is to be the first group to wrap a mummy
using the entire roll f tissue.
Trick or Treat
Before the party cut several strips of paper; about twice as
many strips as there are children. Then on half of the strips write the word
"treat". On the other half write "trick" with a trick such
as "hop on one foot", "pat your head and rub your belly".
Then place all of the strips in a Halloween bag. Have the children form a
circle. Walk around the circle. Each player will draw a paper out of the bag
and perform a trick or receive a treat such as a sticker, Halloween pencil or
small piece of candy.
Quick Recall
Place theme related items on a tray. Show the tray to the
guests for a few seconds. Players write down or call out as many items as they
can remember. Play this same game with a twist--Take an item away -can they
recall what's missing?
How Many Words?
See how many words you make from SCARECROW or
JACK-O-LANTERN. For older kids only. Use a write-on wipe-off board for group
play or distribute paper and pencils.
The Great Popcorn Challenge
Set out bowls full of popcorn at one end of the room, empty
bowls at another. Teams must transport the popcorn from the full bowl to empty,
using a measuring cup. Note: popcorn is a choking hazard for children under
Cotton-ball Scoop
Fill large mixing bowls with cotton balls and give each
guest a spoon. Kids must scoop out as many cotton balls as possible in one
minute - without using fingers!